Inside Cupertino

Reverb iPad App Updated to 1.1

Reverb has just updated their app to 1.1. This is a major overhaul from the previous version. The new app learns very quickly about your taste in news and then curates it for you. We have seen other apps do this. Flipboard and Zite are two apps which are amongst the most popular in this category.

Reverb displays different news articles and then depending on what you click and read it will further find more news from those categories. Where Reverb really starts to shine is on the social side. With other apps, social is just showing your friend’s wall posts or tweets, but what Reverb does is follows those links and determines what the story is. It will then categorize those stories and display them for you to see, further learning about your interests.

Connect to Twitter and Facebook to see what your friends are sharing, sorted and prioritized by what’s most relevant to you. Reverb helps you keep up with the ever-growing amount of important content shared through your social networks.

What is also a neat feature is the local news where Reverb plots the stories on a map so you can see the news going on around you at any given moment.

Try out Reverb and let us know what you think. Get the Reverb app here



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